The Trinity School Association exists to support the school, pupils and staff. It is made up of a group of parental volunteers who work in close co-operation with the school. We meet on a termly basis in order to plan our work and consider future initiatives. We have all had or currently have children at Trinity and share a common commitment to its aims and ethos.
We rely upon Mr Willoughby, the Principal to offer us direction as to where we can focus our help and support. As President of our association he is in a unique position to ensure that our work in providing resources contributes to extending both the learning and celebration opportunities offered to all pupils at Trinity.
We would like to encourage all parents and carers to become involved with the TSA. You will only need to commit a small amount of time, yet this can have a huge impact and pay real dividends. The skills, interest, enthusiasm and dedication that you can bring not only enable us to support the school now, they become the foundation for the future. Through raising funds and helping with the organisation of events that extend opportunity for pupils we contribute to the ethos of the school. By our actions we support the pupils, staff and parents with children at Trinity.
In recent times we have donated in excess of £20,000 which has helped with the purchase of the following items:
Sports Kit, Laptops, Podcasting Studio, Lighting, Spiritual Garden, Digital Signage, Sound facilities, Hall projector, Decoration, Equipment hire, Trampoline refurbishment, Tables, Library equipment.
We raise funds through Barn Dances, Quizzes, Family Fun Days and other social events. We support staff and parents by selling refreshments at Parents’ Evenings. Annual events organised by the TSA are the Year 11 Prom and the Sixth Form leavers’ event.
The TSA welcomes new members and offers of support. If you are interested in joining the TSA please contact the school on 01322 441371 or email the TSA secretary direct.