British Values
Promoting Fundamental British Values
In accordance with The Department for Education we aim to actively promote British values in schools to ensure young people leave school prepared for life in modern Britain. Pupils are encouraged to regard people of all faiths, races and cultures with respect and tolerance and understand that while different people may hold different views about what is ‘right’ and ‘wrong’, all people living in England are subject to its law.
As part of our vision to empower every child to use their God given uniqueness to shape themselves and the wider world, we recognise that character development is every bit as vital to our pupils’ development as academic success.
Our school values of Hope, Compassion and Forgiveness, combined with the Trinity Code, actively compliment and promote the five fundamental British Values as defined by the Department for Education:
- democracy
- the rule of law
- individual liberty
- mutual respect
- tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs
The Christian community which we seek to develop is an ideal environment in which these values may be promoted, both in formal lessons and in our daily interactions with each other. We teach pupils the importance of being kind and respectful to one another, irrespective of their faith, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, class or any other perceived differences.
We are committed to promoting fundamental British values through a wide range of explicit and implicit educational activities and the articulation of, and demonstration of these values. British values are promoted through the schools’ assemblies, curriculum, ethos, student voice, teaching and learning and its commitment to inclusion. Whilst not exhaustive, the following examples serve to demonstrate how British values permeate Trinity School, ensuring pupils are equipped them with the value to flourish within, and ultimately shape, the modern world:
Pupils have an opportunity to develop and demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of democracy through:
- An active House System that adheres to democratic principles
- Various opportunities to participate in roles of responsibility within the school
- A curriculum that develops pupil understanding of British Life and preparation for modern British Life
- Extra-curricular activities that promote democratic processes.
The Rule of Law
All pupils have an opportunity to develop and demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of the rule of law through:
- The school’s Behaviour policy & the Trinity Code
- A robust anti-bullying culture
- A comprehensive system of rewards, recognition and sanctions
- A PSHE curriculum which focuses on the rule of Law and respect for all
- Effective links with Safer Schools Police Team and other authorities.
Individual Liberty
All pupils have an opportunity to develop and demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of individual liberty through:
- The school’s Behaviour policy & The Trinity Code
- An excellent system of pastoral care, guidance and support.
- A robust anti-bullying culture
- Participation in a wide variety of school and local community charitable events and opportunities for volunteering
- Students have key roles and responsibilities in school Peer Mentors, House Captains, Sports Leaders & Anti-bullying Ambassadors
- Our curriculum educates and provide boundaries for students to make choices safely, including those relating to e-safety and extremism
- Our bespoke Speakeasy@ email address to raise concerns
Mutual respect
All pupils have opportunities to develop and demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of mutual respect through:
- The school’s Behaviour policy & The Trinity Code
- An excellent system of pastoral care, guidance and support.
- A teaching and learning environment based on mutual respect
- A robust anti-bullying culture
- A comprehensive system of rewards, recognition and sanctions
- A curriculum where all pupils have an opportunity to express their views in a safe environment where the thoughts and answers of all are respected
- Our PSHE curriculum, including Sex and Relationship Education
- Our House System and House Captains, and Sports Leaders promote mutual respect between students throughout the school community
Tolerance of different beliefs, cultures and faiths
All pupils have an opportunity to develop and demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of the tolerance of different beliefs, cultures and faiths through:
- Spiritual development through a comprehensive RE & PSHE curriculum
- Students are actively encouraged to share their faith and beliefs within the school and celebrate festivities throughout the year
- The Religious Education curriculum, which is compulsory for all pupils until the end of KS5, provides a broad and balanced education on a range of faiths, religions and cultures
- An experience of a wide variety of cultures through curriculum themes assemblies and cultural celebrations days and events
- Sporting and House competitions that helps to instil ‘fair play’ and engender a ‘team spirit’