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Trinity Church

Of England School

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The school’s pastoral structure is a strong and well established system of caring for pupils. We aim to foster personal growth and development; to help pupils cope confidently with the pressures of daily life and to learn as well as they can in a caring environment which challenges and supports them.

Special Educational Needs & Disability

The Governing Body, Principal and staff are committed to providing for children who have special educational needs and to developing cultures, policies and practices which are inclusive. With the right strategies and support, most children with special educational needs can be successfully included in mainstream education. However, we are committed to ensuring that the interests of all pupils are safeguarded.

The school has a resourced provision for pupils with particular needs, 10 pupils with ASD and 4 with generic learning difficulties.

We seek to remove barriers to learning and participation. This means that every pupil at Trinity is treated as a special child and is entitled to a broad, balanced and differentiated curriculum.

The school is committed to compliance with the Special Educational Needs and Disability Act and Equality Act 2010. We have produced a disability access plan which ensures we do not treat disabled pupils less favourably for a reason related to disability and we will take reasonable steps to ensure that disabled pupils are not placed at a disadvantage compared to their non-disabled peers.

The school provides step-free access to the majority of areas using specially installed ramps and lifts. Toilet facilities are available for disabled users across the school site. The disability access plan highlights improvements that the school aims to implement when funding allows.

We have a Learning Support Centre which provides a positive learning experience for pupils outside mainstream classes.


SENCo: Mr D. McCallum
LSC Manager: Mrs N Scott

The Special Needs Department, which is managed by the SENCo, sets out to ensure that all pupils who have special educational needs make the most of their potential through full access to the national curriculum.

Features of the provision are:


Pupils with special educational needs will ordinarily be educated alongside their peers.

Some small withdrawal classes are organised to support particular learning or social difficulties.


  • Lunchtime reading groups

  • Lunchtime homework groups


Special Needs base with areas for:


  • office

  • resource provision for children with Autism

  • small group work

  • outside agency work with individual pupils


Learning Support

Trinity has a number of Learning Support Assistants and Teaching Assistants who:


  • Support pupils in the classroom

  • Withdraw pupils for basic skills tuition

  • Work as part of departmental teams, providing

  • support for teachers

  • assistance with the development of differentiated curriculum materials

  • assistance with the development of the wide range of strategies and approaches used by the teachers.


Support Group

The Support Group has been set up within the SEN Department for pupils whose needs could only be met in a mainstream school with more support than is normally specified in the EHCP.


The entrance criteria for this Group is different from the main school and access to it is only through a Borough referral rather than parental choice.


It offers:


  • a separate base

  • places for fourteen statemented pupils

  • extra support in lessons

  • day-to-day management enabling pupils to be educated with their peers in mainstream classrooms

  • access to specialist facilities when the need arises

  • access to Social Skills sessions

The Learning Support Centre (LSC)

The aim of the LSC is, where possible, to remove all barriers to learning and to provide a base for pupils who are finding mainstream classes difficult to access. This could be for short or long term issues. It does this by:


  • providing a base for learning for individual lessons or short periods of time

  • offering mentoring

  • running group work sessions

  • being available as a drop in for mental health and wellbeing discussions supported by the learning mentors


The LSC Team ensures that the centre provides support for pupils who are finding mainstream lessons challenging, pupils who, for example:


  • have low self-esteem

  • are under achievers

  • are new to the school

  • need improvement with social skills, behaviour and achievement in the classroom

  • medical needs both short and long term

  • The pupils will be assisted by teachers and Learning Mentors who will focus on supporting those pupils to achieve their best as they progress through the school.


Learning Mentors

Learning Mentors provide extra support for young people who may need help with facing new situations and improving:


  • confidence and motivation

  • attitude and behaviour

  • attendance and punctuality

  • self-organisation


They also provide a room and support for pupils dealing with bereavement issues, family breakups and social situations which make it difficult for young people to cope with their daily lives.


Please see the document download below for detailed information about our SEN provision.


Please click here to find a link to Bexley Local Offer page. Further information about Bexley's provision can be found below.

The Local Offer provides information about the services available to children, young people and their families across Education, Health and Social Care.
