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Trinity Church

Of England School

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Please see the pages below for an overview of the curriculum for each subject. If you would like more detailed information, please contact the Head of Department.

The following is an outline of how we group children and what they are taught in each academic year.


Further information is available from the school.

Class Groups
(Academic and Pastoral)

In Years 7 & 8 pupils are placed in mixed ability groups. Currently in y9, pupils are taught in broad bands within which they are setted by ability for all core subjects. This continues into Years 10 and 11.


This approach enables us to ensure that all pupils are challenged to reach their full potential. There is a regular review to ensure that pupils are placed in the correct learning groups.


​Every child is placed in a mixed ability Tutor Group.



All pupils are set regular homework appropriate to their ability and the subject concerned using Classcharts (an online resource) where possible, which parents may also log in to check homework being set and completed.


Years 7&8

All pupils in Years 7&8 follow the full range of National Curriculum subjects. 


Year 9

All pupils in Year 9 follow the full range of National Curriculum subjects although some choice with practical subjects now exists. In some core subjects, pupils begin their GCSE programmes.


Years 10-11

All pupils in Years 10 and 11 follow the core subjects of the National Curriculum and supplement this from a wide range of optional subjects. 


Reports & Progress

Parents are kept fully informed by termly communications from the school. These include interim reports (which are e-mailed home) and subject consultation meetings for all year groups.


Further & Higher Education

Many students progress into a wide range of university courses and a team of specialist staff advise students at every stage of their application.


Sex & Relationships Studies

The school has a detailed policy on Sex and Relationships Education, within the context of the family as required and approved by the governors. The policy is available on request.


Drugs Education

The school has a detailed policy on Drugs Education which is approved by the governors. The policy is available on request.
