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Trinity Church

Of England School

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Religious Education

The RE department helps pupils to acquire and develop knowledge and understanding of Christianity and three other religions: Islam, Judaism, and Sikhism. Pupils are helped to develop understanding of beliefs, values and traditions in these religions. They are also encouraged to develop a positive attitude towards other people, respecting their right to hold different beliefs to their own.

Pupils have the opportunity not only to learn key facts about religion, but also to compare and contrast different religious ways of life, and consider their own views on religious beliefs and practices. They also have the opportunity to explore the ethical aspects of religion, and how faith influences individual moral choices.

In addition, as pupils progress through the school, they are asked to consider some of life’s ‘Big Questions’, such as ‘Why does a good God let people suffer?’, ‘Does evolution cause problems for religious belief?’ and ‘What is the purpose of life’?

The department has five members of staff based in three dedicated rooms. The school also has a Chaplain.

Our core values of Hope, Compassion and Forgiveness are explored with the students of all year groups on a deeper level at the start of Year 7 as well as throughout the course of their studies.

You can find information about the curriculum taught to each year group under the 'subjects' tab above.
