Welcome from the Student Leadership Team
Trinity Sixth
Open Evening
Thursday 7th November
2024 from 5.30pm
Head Students Deputy Head Students
Oliver and Molly Nathaniel and Lucia
We are proud to welcome all prospective Sixth Form students to Trinity School, which has a wide range of facilities and excellent teaching and support staff.
Trinity School offers a positive environment for your learning experience. Moving into the Sixth Form comes with high expectations and increased responsibilities which we are aware can be daunting but support is always given. You are in control of your time management, making sure deadlines are met and targets are achieved. Independent learning is key in making your time at Trinity a success and, although supported by teachers, you are expected to push yourself to achieve your potential.
Students are able to make the use of our modern Sixth Form facilities, including a dedicated study room and social space, an exclusive ICT suite where computers and laptops are readily available as well as specialist teaching rooms such as an art studio and media suite. This makes the Sixth Form experience at Trinity even more exciting, and equips students with all of the resources and tools they could possibly need to achieve deserved success.
Trinity Sixth Form offers you the opportunity to be part of a wider community, a supporting network of peers, teachers and pastoral team, all of which will help you strive to be the best you can be. Trinity’s Christian ethos makes your learning experience unique and will enrich your time at the school. This is achieved through Acts of Worship and weekly Values and Beliefs lessons.
Whatever you choose to do we wish you success, happiness and we hope that you consider Trinity to help you continue your learning.
With best wishes,
Oliver and Molly
Head Students
Senior Prefects
Samuel, Isabelle, Olivia, Victoria and Sidney
Brianna, Penny, Lani, Henry, Joshua, Jenniha, Jasmine, Isra and Amelia